Friday, April 27, 2012

What's Up with Google Plus?

Essentially Google Plus is a social networking site. It was designed to compete with sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

Several reviews have recognized that Google Plus offers many of the social media benefits all rolled into one package.

Additionally, Google Plus has the added benefit of being able to integrate many of the Google services that we are already dependent on with added personalization and flexibility.

You can set your Google Plus profile as public or private, you can post blogs, share links, videos and photos with the contacts you have on your list as well with those in your circle.

Google Plus also allows you to censor the materials that you share if you don't wish your
coworkers to see you in photos from the party you were at on Saturday night.

What is Google+ and what are the benefits for businesses?

Google is the number one used search engine in the world, if you have a well designed Google Plus profile your business will benefit in page rankings, making it possibly the best social outlet for brand promotion.

Similar to Facebook, Google Plus has a like button called +1 which you can integrate onto your business website allowing consumers to share your business on their profile pages.

Google also has the added benefit of being able to link pages with places, through the use of Google Maps. Users can freely interact by providing reviews about your business.

There are a number of business circles that you can create enabling you to target and tailor the information that is sent out to your connections.

For example you can have a circle for present clients, as well as a circle for past clients. You can target new product and service information that may be of benefit to them.

You can have as many circles as you wish, allowing you to target specific information to specific people.

It is essential for businesses no matter what size to implement a strategy for social media. The strategy that you choose to implement should include Google Plus.

The way businesses market and communicate with their clients is continuously changing, in order for your business to gain a competitive advantage, it is vital that it stays up to date in the world of social media.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The A-Z of Internet Marketing (Part 55)

This edition of the A-Z of Internet marketing takes a closer look at free reports and the use of private label rights (PLRs). Here are some valuable tips on how to use them to drive more traffic to your site and bring you more income.

257. Reports – Giving thеm Away fοr Free through File-Sharing Sites 

One lіttlе-used strategy fοr disseminating free reports іѕ tο upload thеm tο filesharing sites. People searching fοr related materials wіll find уουr report; аnd mау download аnd re-share іt.

258. Re-Bundling Strategies – Tip 1


One οf thе simplest re-bundling strategies involves combining a set οf 10-12 articles іntο a short report; аnd thеn selling thе report.

259. Re-Bundling Strategies – Tip 2


If уου’re thinking аbουt сrеаtіng аn ebook οr report, consider doing іt using PLR content articles. Whіlе many οthеr people wіll bе аblе tο sell thеѕе articles, few οf thеm wіll υѕе уουr exact bundle tο сrеаtе аn ebook.

260. Re-Bundling Strategies – Tip 3


Another simple re-bundling strategy involves taking a private lаbеl content ebook; аnd thеn breaking іt up іntο articles. Sіnсе search engines wіll recognize thеѕе articles аѕ unique content, thіѕ сουld gο a long way tο boost уουr search engine ranking positions.

(to be continued...)

There are many ways to share your files or reports. One such site that I know of is I created a button there for the promotion of my text ad exchange, Winning Solos. You can also share some of your own reports and e-books. It's a really good concept as your information gets shared on twitter or facebook and has the potential to go viral.

As for the re-bundling strategies, I must say I'm still working on it. Having a supply of quality content articles and materials helps a lot. I recommend the following sites if you want to check out quality content:

All Private Label Content

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Take The Ultimate Test Drive!

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to earn a full-time living online?

At Ultimate Ad Sites, they make it possible for anyone to own their very own online business, even if you don't have any money to start with!

Advertising Exchanges are one of the most effective, popular, and reliable means of earning an online income. These admin and member friendly sites, come pre-setup ready to go, so you can start earning right away.

There are many options and features you can add like custom graphics, and even the Ultimate Network Super Solos, to help your advertising exchange earn even more money.

They also pay 25% commissions on every payment they receive, to members that refer other members to Ultimate Ad Sites!

That could bring you residual income for years to come!

Take the ultimate test drive for 30 days, and see for yourself why so many people are turning to advertising exchanges to earn an online income.

It costs nothing to join, so why not check it out?

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A brand new way to generate website traffic

I've just joined Tabzi which is a Social Network that lets you generate FREE website traffic for your websites.

Tabzi is a social network, money generator and traffic exchange all rolled into one! 10 great ways to earn money and you can even earn money without referring! They have member prizes, a lotto and they give out cash rewards every day! Don't miss another second, check it out right now and click below to find more.